Is it live?

February 13, 2011Posted by csandy

The 53rd Grammy Awards are currently playing – a celebration of some of the best musical acts in the world. I always try to tune in see what our creative colleagues have cooked up for the year.

Shows like the Grammys are always of particular interest to SAV because nearly 100% of the work we do is live. You have to get it right the first time, every time. But watching the Grammys give truth to the fact that even with the most experience operators and directors in the industry and a multi-million dollar budget, mistakes happen. From miscues to equipment malfunctions, sometimes things just don’t go as planned.

Good planning however, will make the best of the unplanned hiccup. Unless something particularly obvious happens, most people never know about the minor mishaps – and that’s how it should be. Are the Grammys perfect tonight? No. Most flubs only someone in the industry would notice, but to those sitting at home in their comfy chairs, it’s a great show.

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