Save Money for Essential Travel

September 26, 2011Posted by csandy

In the past two weeks I’ve been on a dozen planes. Sometimes I wake up and wonder what city I’m in. Sometimes I wish that all the events I go to would just travel to me! Well, now they can. Sometimes, don’t you just wish the event would travel to you? Now they can.  Virtual events are all the rage – you can have computer generated cartoon representations of yourself (avatars they’re called – but they don’t have to be blue) interact with other virtual attendees or exhibitors.  You can also take a more traditional approach, and broadcast your content to virtual attendees around the country or around the globe.

Often, it simply makes good economic and business sense to provide the valuable content discussed at your conference to as many employees as possible without incurring the expense of renting a bigger room and flying in staff from regional offices and booking hotel rooms.  You could also expand your conference to include staff who would not make the cut due to cost.

If you are an event planner – offering virtual attendance options can expand revenue for the conference by adding video-on-demand options.

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