Using DSLRs for Video Work

September 26, 2011Posted by csandy

If you’re considering using a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) or DSLT (Sony’s DLSR without the prism, but instead a Translucent screen) you must read this e-book.  It’s chalk full of good information and helpful links.  I don’t agree with all of the conclusions in the guide, but it’s a helpful start for those of you planning to shoot your own video with a still camera.  Okay, that sounded a little negative.  In reality, DSLRs produce some really, really good footage if you know what you’re doing.  For live production work, however STAY AWAY.  STAY VERY FAR AWAY.  If you’re considering using one for live web streaming, you’re really much better off using a large sensor Sony or Panasonic video camera.  You’ll be grossly disappointed with the limitations of your DSLR if trying to stream live.  For video-on-demand applications however, DSLR use may be viable.

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