Streaming Media Panel in DC

October 5, 2011Posted by csandy

Streaming Media – Distribution in the Digital Age

WHEN: Wednesday, October 5, 6:30-9pm
WHERE: Interface Media Group, 1233 20th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20036
Metro- DuPont Circle
COST: Members: $10
Non-Members: $20
Student members: $5
Student non-members: $10 Volunteers: FREE
Food and drinks will be served. Payment accepted at the door (paper & plastic). New members can also join at the door!
RSVP: On our Facebook page:
or by e-mailing

Broadcasting, DVD distribution and the carrier pigeon seem to be becoming less and less important in the digital age. Clients and viewers are increasingly wanting their content NOW. Join us for a dynamic panel discussion on the different platforms, methods and codecs that are forming the basis for distribution in the 21st century.

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