Sandy Audio Visual Celebrates Going Green

April 22, 2012Posted by csandy

The server you are reading this blog post from is 100% powered by wind.  SAV believes sustainable and renewable power must be a fact of life now and for the foreseeable future.  Reliance on fossil fuels has too many environmental, economic, and strategic pitfalls to be the only energy play for any Western nation.  Should we abandon fossil fuel completely?  That would be unwise, and the current state of technology would not allow that.

As an AV company, we couldn’t survive on battery power alone, and the infrastructure does not yet exist to provide adequate reliable power for our equipment, especially at remote venues.  But even AV companies must do their part, so this is a small step in our green initiative, which includes powering our online presence from solar farm energy and using low-power consumption digital equipment.  We don’t think we can save the world ourselves, but we can make it a better place one mic at a time.

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2 responses to “Sandy Audio Visual Celebrates Going Green”

  1. Gary Brown says:

    Well that is cool. Perhaps a bit more detail? Do you have e rooftop wind powered generator? or a neighborhood wind co-op?

    • csandy says:

      Great question, Gary. I see you found the blog! Electricity costs for our server hosting are offset with Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) at 130% of current usage. So if we use 400kilowatts of power in a month, we buy 400kw*130%=530kw of power generated from a wind farm to not only offset, but create a net positive balance of renewable energy credit applied against our energy consumption.

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