Beginner’s Video Blog Kit

October 11, 2013Posted by csandy

Carla put together this little widget to help our friend who are constantly asking how to start a video blog on the cheap. You really don’t need anything fancy, but here are the essentials. The most important thing about producing a video blog or any video for that matter is to have compelling content. Work on your script more than worrying about what you’re going to shoot your blog with. Worry about the how and the why – even the where more than the what.

Many people leave out the need to add something as simple as a good tripod. Pro video tripods can cost most than $10,000 each. Being a Washington, DC based business, there are news crews running around the area all the time with the tripods on carts and their porta-brace blue ENG bags perched underneath. If passers-by knew how much those tripods cost, sometimes more than the vehicles they’re driving – they’d probably be quite surprised. You don’t need a 5-figure tripod to start your video blog, but you do need something that will keep your camera steady and take its weight. There are a lot of really bad tripods out there. I won’t name any brands. But inexpensive doesn’t mean it has to be bad.

Anyway, hope this helps get a few of you on your way!

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