PageMonitor come VisualPing Loses Its Way

April 17, 2016Posted by csandy

Greed it good. But only if your greed is backed up by a stellar product people want. PageMonitor, the handy browser plugin that allowed you to get instant notification when a webpage changed its content, has been replaced by VisualPing. It’s a clumsy attempt to increase monetization of the plugin, which is fine. I like capitalism. The problem is the implementation is pure garbage. It doesn’t work. PageMonitor did exactly what it was designed to do. VisualPing is simply trying to serve you ads. And on top of that nuisance it doesn’t work. Pathetic.

4/20/2016 Edit

Since the initial changeover from PageMonitor to VisualPing, it seems the ads have virtually disappeared.  The only ad remaining is fairly unobtrusive branding from the publisher.  In this next-go-round, however, changing from visual to text froze up the app and on my following attempt, the visual changes highlighted on a text-heavy site were all garbled.  In my third attempt to see what text had changed on a page everything worked perfectly.

On the prior PageMonitor, I must admit I took it for granted because it simply worked.  It was transparent, fast, and accurate.  While the e-mail feature is a great addition, I still believe the soul of this application has left.  Perhaps with more tweaking it can be the great application it once was.

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