Author: csandy

4K UltraHD TV Coming Home?
April 24, 2013Posted by csandy

Best Buy is circulating pre-order ads for Sony 4K Ultra HD TVs at $5000 and $7000. Has the 4K revolution begun?

$100 Amazon Giveaway Almost Over
April 15, 2013Posted by csandy

Your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card ends tonight at midnight Eastern. So follow our tweets @dctricaster and like us on Facebook.

Newtek to enhance TriCaster 8000
April 8, 2013Posted by csandy

Exciting enhancements are coming to the TriCaster 8000 line. ANIMATED frame buffers. 10 of them! Mirror two 8000s for complete redundancy Audio routing capability to really take advantage of all of those XLRs on the back Variable audio delay on each channel Panoramic Livesets created from panoramic photos Support for additional routers using Grass Valley…

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Sony After Party
April 8, 2013Posted by csandy

Sony shows off some of its wares at its Taste of Vegas after show party.

Long queues.
April 8, 2013Posted by csandy

This is what you get when you forget your badge at home….