Author: csandy

A Graphical History of Game of Thrones Robert’s Rebellion
March 4, 2014Posted by csandy

A History of Game of Thrones Want to know what happened leading up to HBO’s Game of Thrones?  Keep hearing references to “Robert’s Rebellion” and want to know exactly what the rebellion was about?  Look no further!  This infographic will quickly show you why Robert rebelled, who with, and who against.  There aren’t any spoilers…

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Skaarhoj ATEM Television Studio Switchers
February 28, 2014Posted by csandy

These little things are great!  Make your own or have one built.

Quick Poll Highlights Popular Encoders Used In the Field
February 27, 2014Posted by csandy

In a quick poll I did on LinkedIn, I asked the very basic question “What your go-to device was for live web streaming?” If you’re in the professional event streaming business or thinking of breaking into the profession you may have been overwhelmed by the myriad of choices and options in the marketplace when it…

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Curses for the Modern Era
February 26, 2014Posted by csandy

Old stand-bys like “I bite my thumb at you” have really fallen out of favor. Here are some curses for the modern era: – may you hit “reply all” instead of “bcc”/ may all the people you put on “bcc” hit “reply all” / may your work computer freeze on a NSFW image / may…

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Live Streaming Presents the Latest in Event Income Generation
February 25, 2014Posted by csandy

The modern event and entertainment industry has always been tough. In the past artists have had to build platforms based on a combination of the merits of their art and their deftness at navigating the entertainment industry’s power structure. Once they managed to break through the inherent barriers of the system and into mainstream public…

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