Swivl is pretty neat.

August 15, 2014Posted by csandy

GoPro to go public

June 11, 2014Posted by csandy

GoPro, the premiere maker of small action video cameras announced today it will have an initial public offering (IPO) of stock In the company. U.S. residents can elect to purchase shares in their IPO through LOYAL3 in amounts ranging from $100-$10,000, with no transaction fees.

XLTE Results in Washington, DC

May 22, 2014Posted by csandy

Doesn’t appear that any change in speeds have occurred as of yet jn the Washington DC area after Verizon’s announcement of it’s AWS-based XLTE rollout Monday. 700mhz LTE devices are still suffering from a congested network, and speed test.com tests on an iPhone 5s see no apparent increase in speed.