4G wireless broadband to get big boost today with Verizon XLTE announcement

May 19, 2014Posted by csandy

Today Verizon introduces an expanded LTE footprint it dubs “XLTE”, which is based on the AWS spectrum it purchased from the U.S. government. XLTE promises to be twice the speed of LTE. In some markets, this will likely mean that the amazingly fast speeds we saw in the first weeks of LTE deployment may return….

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Net Neutrality Dead?

May 15, 2014Posted by csandy

People have a right to know by whom they are attempting to be persuaded. – Former Acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps.

NAB 2014 Under Way

April 7, 2014Posted by csandy

The good folks at StudioTech have already begun their NAB 2014 coverage and will have video online soon. One of the highlights for StudioTech will no doubt be the “Studio Experience” pavillion, which highlights technologies from manufacturers such as Intel, NewTek, and their development partners. The collaborative effort was more low key last year, but…

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