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Streaming Media and the Future of Distribution/Collaboration Thursday, February 7th Henninger Media Follow-up to questions from last night’s streaming Q&A session: Question: How do you get audio into the Blackmagic Design Ultrastudio Mini Recorder? There are two ways to do this. You can use the embedded audio on the SDI input or embedded audio on…
There will be two reactions to NewTek’s recent announcement. For those waiting to upgrade to high-definition, there will be rejoicing. For producers with large investment sunk into pricier TriCaster, there will be apprehension. But at the end of the day, those in the second camp should seize the opportunity for growth. The TriCaster 40 has…
A live web stream of your event increases your audience, provides revenue opportunities, and enhances your brand.
[twitter_follow username=”dctricaster” language=”en”] “Streaming is one of those things that sounds great on paper, but absolutely KILLS you in the implementation.” There is so much truth to this statement. But having been to many a church board meeting, it’s understandable why so many churches take the broad crooked path to spending too much on the…