The newly announced Blackmagic Design ATEM Television Studio Pro HP borrows heavily from the design of the new Davinci Resolve control surfaces, and it’s a beautiful thing. Check out the new switcher on BMD’s website here:
The Osprey Video Talon G1 is a solid entry into the encoding market. The future of the generable Osprey line of video capture cards has been in flux for some time but the new company, now going by the product name, has served up several new products and their engineers are committed to bringing new innovative…
So we’ve been asking ourselves around here – what would NewTek do if they didn’t have to worry about legacy connections? Could they make their form factor smaller? Provide for more channel inputs? Looks like the answer is a resounding “yes”.
Another Spring and the world’s content creators and creative device manufacturers gather in Las Vegas for the biggest annual spectacle of its kind. The exhibit floor opens tomorrow and I have a few predictions. I’m joined again this year by StudioTech.TV, who’ll be providing coverage of the show as well. My focus will be very…
Greed it good. But only if your greed is backed up by a stellar product people want. PageMonitor, the handy browser plugin that allowed you to get instant notification when a webpage changed its content, has been replaced by VisualPing. It’s a clumsy attempt to increase monetization of the plugin, which is fine. I like…